About Us

Bright Spark Sports provide birthday parties, after-school clubs, Holiday clubs and school events across Brighton and East Sussex.

Our team of experienced and enthusiastic activity leaders are dedicated to delivering high-quality, fun-filled experiences. With a passion for sports and a commitment to excellence, we ensure that every event we host is memorable and enjoyable for children and parents alike.

What we do

At Bright Spark Sports, we bring excitement and adventure to any venue with our mobile services. We offer a variety of activities, from traditional sports to unique and thrilling games, such as Nerf wars, Bubble football and Glow sports, suitable for all ages.

Beyond birthday parties, we offer engaging after-school clubs and organise special school events such as reward days, leaver days, and boarding school events.

Our flexible approach allows us to tailor each event to your needs, handling everything from setup to supervision, so you can relax and enjoy the occasion.

What people say about us